DECODE, Lok Sabha, Parliament, Rajya Sabha, Videos

DECODE (Hindi) | S2E2- संसद में क्या होता है


‘DECODE’ के दूसरे सीज़न में आपका स्वागत है। 17 वीं लोकसभा अब सत्र में है। इसलिए, इस सीज़न का फोकस ‘संसद और इसकी कार्यप्रणाली’ पर होगा।

दूसरी एपिसोड में, हम आपको बताते हैं कि संसद में क्या होता है। प्रश्नकाल, शून्यकाल, वाद-विवाद, सत्र और संसद की चर्चाओं जैसे सभी शब्दों को समझाया गया है।

Welcome to the second season of ‘DECODE’.  The 17th Lok Sabha is now in session. Hence, the focus of this season will be on the ‘Parliament & its functioning’

In the 2nd episode, we tell you what happens in the parliament. All the terms like the question hour, zero hour ,debates,sessions ,and discussions of Parliament are explained.

For detailed reading, click on the following

DECODE is about simplifying complex issues related to government policy, government rules and many other issues related to government, that are useful to the common man.


About Author

Sai Santosh is an engineer by education and a liberal by conviction. He is a Sudoku junkie and meditates through solving the Rubik’s Cube. He is passionate about public policy and advocates for social justice.

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