Video related to the 2020 Beirut explosion is being shared as recent visuals from Ukraine

A video of a ravaged city is being shared widely on social media with a claim that it shows Ukraine. The video is being shared in the context of the current conflict between the forces of Russia and Ukraine. Let’s fact-check the claim made in the post.

Claim: Video shows a ravaged city in Ukraine amid the current invasion by the armed forces of Russia.

Fact: The video is not related to Ukraine. It shows the city of Beirut (Lebanon) after an explosion in 2020. Hence the claim made in the post is MISLEADING.

When the screenshots of the video were run through Google Reverse Image, a similar video was found to be tweeted by a Twitter user in August 2020. In her tweet, she wrote – “My city Beirut after the explosion”. On 04 August 2020, an explosion took place at the port area in Beirut (Lebanon). More details regarding the incident can be read here.

Many similar visuals can be seen in the articles published by various news agencies on the Beirut explosion.

Recent visuals of some devastated places from Ukraine can be seen here, here, and here.

To sum it up, a video related to the 2020 Beirut explosion is being shared as recent visuals from Ukraine.