This chowk with ‘mace, bow and arrow’ sculpture is in Vadodara, not in Ayodhya

A photo is being shared on social media with a claim that it shows a newly constructed chowk with ‘mace, bow and arrow’ sculpture in Ayodhya. Let’s fact-check the claim made in the post.

The archived version of the post can be found here.

Claim: Photo of a newly constructed chowk with ‘mace, bow and arrow’ sculpture in Ayodhya.

Fact: The photo is not related to Ayodhya (UP). It shows the sculpture at ‘Gada Circle’ in Vadodara (Gujarat). Hence the claim made in the post is FALSE.

When the image was run through Google Reverse Image Search, a tweet with the same photo and claim was found in the search results. A user has commented below the tweet that the photo is related to ‘Gada Circle’ in Vadodara (Gujarat). So, when searched on the internet, it was confirmed that the photo shows a sculpture in Vadodara, not in Ayodhya. The Google Street View of the location can be seen here. The street view was captured in November 2016. So, it was not setup recently.

To sum it up, the chowk with ‘mace, bow and arrow’ sculpture in the photo is in Vadodara, not in Ayodhya.

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