The elder boy in this photo is not ‘Hope’, the Nigerian child rescued from abandonment seven years ago.

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A collage of two photos featuring Danish aid worker Anja Ringgren Loven is viral on social media. In one photo, she is seen serving water to a small boy; in the other, she is standing next to a relatively older boy. It is being claimed that a small boy named Hope, who was rescued by Anja several years ago, is the one featured in these photos, and now he is all grown up. Let’s verify this claim through this article.

Claim: Latest photo of Hope, the Nigerian child whom charity worker Anja Ringgren Loven rescued.

Fact: Although this small boy is indeed Hope, the elder boy seen in the collage is not him. His name is Prince, another boy rescued by Anja Ringgren. Hence, the claim made in the post is Misleading.

To check the veracity of the claim, we looked at the photos posted by Anja on her Facebook and found out that the collage actually features two different boys.

The small child Hope, who was rescued by Anja seven years ago, is now ten years old. Anja posted Hope’s recent photo on Facebook in February 2023. You can see it in the following collage.

The older boy in the collage is Prince; he is 19 years old. Anja shared his pictures on her Facebook when he joined a University in April 2023. Clearly, two unrelated photos are being falsely shared in the viral post as a representation of the rescued boy Hope.

To sum up, the elder boy in this photo is not ‘Hope’, the Nigerian child rescued from abandonment seven years ago.