Review: What Did the Home, Finance, Environment & Climate Change, Defence Ministries Say They Achieved in 2023?

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As the year 2023 came to an end, different ministries have published their respective year-end reviews. This annual publication serves as a comprehensive document spotlighting the principal initiatives and accomplishments undertaken by each department or ministry throughout the preceding year. We review the year-end reviews by the Ministries of Home, Finance, Defence, and Environment, Forests and Climate Change. 

As the year 2023 came to an end, different ministries have published their respective year-end reviews. This annual publication serves as a comprehensive document spotlighting the principal initiatives and accomplishments undertaken by each department or ministry throughout the preceding year. From legislative milestones to economic strategies, these year-end reviews serve as a panoramic view of the nation’s governance and administrative landscape, shedding light on the policies, and transformative moments that have shaped the nation’s trajectory over the past twelve months.

In today’s story, we look at some of the important milestones and accomplishments of a few ministries/departments.

Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change

The year 2023 has been eventful for this ministry, with some new initiatives being launched along with some controversial bills being enacted. Some of the key highlights of this ministry are:

Ministry of Home Affairs

The year 2023 is considered a watershed year, with the passage of three new criminal law bills. A peace agreement is signed between Assam and Arunachal Pradesh, to restore peace and insurgency-free Northeast. Some of the highlights are:

Some of the key highlights of the various departments under the Ministry of Finance are:

Ministry of Defence

India’s defence sector has experienced significant milestones and achievements in 2023.