A couple of images are being shared on social media claiming that they show a gathering of BJP members in Madhya Pradesh on 23 March 2020 i.e. the date on which lockdown was introduced in few districts of the State. FACTLY has found that the images show a gathering of BJP men at their party office in Bhopal on 20 March 2020. The lockdown was introduced in 10 districts of the State including the State capital Bhopal on 23 March 2020. So, the images are of an event prior to the introduction of lockdown in Bhopal. Earlier, on 19 March 2020, in his address to the nation, PM Modi had asked people to practice ‘social distancing’ and to stay home as much as possible for the coming few weeks to combat COVID-19. He had also asked the people of India to observe ‘Janata Curfew’ on 22 March by staying in their houses from 7 am to 9 pm.
Claim – Facebook post (archived)
Fact – https://twitter.com/ANI/status/1240930722019332096
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What should I do now. Can I delete that or what else can be done.