Photo of Lal Singh Chaddha team’s press meet in Chennai is being shared with a misleading narrative

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A photo is being shared through a post claiming that it was taken during a premiere show of the movie ‘Lal Singh Chaddha’. The description of the post reads ‘…फिल्म का प्रीमियर भी फ्लॉप हो गया..’ which translates to ‘… The film’s Premiere also flopped..’ Let’s fact-check these claims in this article.

Claim: Image of Lal Singh Chaddha’s premiere show where many seats are unoccupied.

False: The photo in the post was taken during a press meet held on 07 August 2022 at Satyam Theatre, Chennai. While the film’s trailer was launched, the movie was not premiered at this event. Hence the claim made in the post is MISLEADING.

After performing a reverse image search on the internet using the image in the post, we found a Facebook post. It has the same image as in the viral post with a description that reads ‘Akkineni Naga Chaitanya Udhayanidhi Stalin #MonaSingh and #AamirKhan on stage at the #LaalSinghChaddha Chennai press meet.’

With this information, we looked for recent press meets held by the Lal Singh Chadda team in Chennai and found a few videos and news reports on this event. As per a report by ETV Bharath, a press conference of the Tamil dubbed version of Lal Singh Chaddha was held in Chennai’s Satyam theatre complex on 07 August 2022; Aamir Khan, Mona Singh, SJ Surya, and Naga Chaitanya attended the event.

In the below image, we can see that the photo from the viral post matches a keyframe from the video report by a verified Youtube Channel, NewsBeez.

Some more news reports on this event can be read here and here. The press meet was live streamed by Sun News and Thanthi TV, which can be viewed here and here. With this evidence, we can conclude that a photo taken during a press event of Lal Singh Chaddha promotion is being shared falsely as the photo of the film’s premiere.

To summarise, a photo of Lal Singh Chaddha team’s press meet in Chennai is shared as if it shows unoccupied seats at Lal Singh Chaddha’s premiere show.