No Conclusive evidence Varaha lifted a spherical-shaped Earth

A social media post features an image of Varaha, an incarnation of Lord Vishnu, carrying a spherical earth, suggesting that Hindu mythology portrayed the earth as spherical long before the commonly held belief that it was flat until the 5th century. In this article, we aim to fact-check the assertion made in the post.

Claim: Hindu mythology portrayed the earth as spherical long before the commonly held belief that it was flat until the 5th century since Varaha lifted a spherical earth.

Fact: Ancient architecture depicting this legend represented Varaha holding personified earth or Bhudevi and not flat or spherical earth. Illustrations from the medieval period depict Varaha supporting a flat Earth. Images of these illustrations, found at the British and Brooklyn Museums, clearly depict Varaha lifting a flat Earth. Further, there is no conclusive evidence indicating that Hindu scriptures refer to the Earth as spherical. Hence, the claim made in the post is MISLEADING.

The viral assertion suggests that Hindu Mythology predicted the Earth to be spherical much earlier. Despite numerous debates concerning the flat Earth and round Earth theories, there is no conclusive evidence indicating that Hindu scriptures refer to the Earth as spherical.

Religious leaders and scholars contend that ancient Hindu scriptures depict the Earth as lotus-shaped in texts like the Vishnu Purana, as well as four-cornered. For instance, M.N. Dutt, who translated the Ramayana into English, noted that according to Hindu cosmogony, the Earth is described as a flat surface with four corners.

Regarding the depiction of Varaha lifting the spherical Earth, legend has it that Vishnu assumed the form of Varaha to rescue the Earth from Hiranyaksha, who had submerged it in the depths of the sea. Varaha defeated the demon and employed his tusks to raise the Earth from the ocean depths.

Ancient architecture depicting this legend represented Varaha holding personified earth or Bhudevi and not flat or spherical earth. Typically, Bhudevi, symbolizing the Earth, is portrayed as a youthful woman being carried by Varaha. This portrayal commonly shows the goddess either suspended from one of Varaha’s tusks or seated on his shoulder. For instance, sculptures and inscriptions of Varaha in places like Khajuraho, Orissa’s Lingaraj temple, and Gujarat’s Rani ki vav frequently depict Bhudevi seated on Varaha’s shoulder.

Additionally, contrary to the viral assertion, certain arguments suggest that Hindu scriptures describe the Earth as flat. Illustrations from the medieval period depict Varaha supporting a flat Earth. Images of these illustrations, found at the British and Brooklyn Museums, clearly depict Varaha lifting a flat Earth (here, here, here & here).

Meanwhile, modern artists began portraying this legend with Varaha lifting a spherical Earth, which resulted in its widespread adoption. Nevertheless, as previously mentioned, there is no conclusive evidence to indicate that Varaha lifted a spherical Earth or that any Hindu scriptures reference the Earth as spherical.

To sum it up, there is no conclusive evidence indicating that Hindu scriptures refer to the Earth as spherical.