A post is being shared on social media claiming that the Turkey Government had announced a reward of 5 crore rupees to Muskan Khan for chanting ‘Allahu Akbar’ slogans while bravely facing a Hindu group in a Karnataka college. On 08 February 2022, Muskan Khan, a second-year Commerce student, was confronted by a group of Hindu students wearing saffron attire chanting ‘Jai Shri Ram’. Also, a few posts claim that Bollywood actors Salman and Aamir Khan have announced 3 crore rupees each as a reward for Muskan Khan. They can be seen here and here. Let’s verify the claim made in the post.
Claim: The Turkey Government, Bollywood actors Salman and Aamir Khan have announced crores of rupees as reward to Muskan Khan.
Fact: On 08 February 2022, Jamiat Ulama-i-Hind, one of the prominent Islamic organizations in the country, announced a reward of rupees 5 Lakh to Muskan Khan for bravely facing a group of Hindu boys in her college and for chanting ‘Allahu Akbar’ slogans in response to ‘Jai Sri Ram’ chants. However, the Turkey Government did not announce any reward to Muskan Khan. As of now, Bollywood actors Salman Khan and Amir Khan have not responded on the Hijab row and about Muskan Khan who was confronted by a Hindu group in Karnataka. Hence, the claim made in the post is FALSE.
When we searched to check whether the Turkish Government had announced any such cash reward to Muskan Khan, we could not find any such press release on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs website of the Republic of Turkey. Also, we could not find any such announcement on the ‘Turkish Embassy in New Delhi’ website. If the Turkish government had announced any such cash reward to Muskan Khan, several news websites would have published articles reporting this information. But we could not find a single article reporting this information.
On searching for the claims on Bollywood actors Salman and Aamir Khan announcing 3 crore rupees cash reward to Muskan Khan, we could not find any news report about these actors’ cash rewards to the Mandya college student Muskan Khan. If Salman or Aamir Khan had announced any such cash reward to Muskan Khan, several mainstream news and entertainment websites would have published articles reporting that information. Until now, Salman and Amir Khan have not responded on the ongoing Hijab row in Karnataka. There is no tweet about Muskan Khan on the official Twitter handle of Salman Khan.
On 08 February 2022, Jamiat Ulama-i-Hind, one of the prominent Islamic organizations in the country, announced a reward of 5 Lakh rupees to Muskan Khan for bravely resisting the group of Hindu students in her college and for chanting ‘Allahu Akbar’ slogans in response to ‘Jai Sri Ram’ chants from the mob. Reporting this information, several news websites have published articles. They can be seen here and here.
To sum it up, neither the Turkish government nor Bollywood actors Salman and Aamir Khan have announced cash rewards to Muskan Khan.