The Many firsts of the Mars Orbiter Mission (MOM)

Mangalyan - Mars Orbiter Mission

It is a well known fact that the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) became only the fourth space agency after the Soviet Space program, NASA and ESA to successfully insert its Mars Orbiter Mission (MOM), also called Mangalyaan in an elliptical orbit around Mars. This in itself is quite an achievement.


MOM is India`s first interplanetary mission. The objectives of the Mars Mission include,

The total cost involved in the Mars Mission is Rs 450 Crores, which includes cost towards Mars Orbiter Spacecraft, Launch Vehicle and the Ground Segment.

MOM carried five payloads with it as mentioned in the following table.

Payload Primary Objective Picture
LymanAlpha Photometer (LAP) Escape processes of Mars upper atmosphere through Deuterium/Hydrogen  
Methane Sensor for Mars (MSM) Detect presence of Methane  
Martian Exospheric Composition Explorer (MENCA) Study the neutral composition of the Martian upper atmosphere  
Mars Colour Camera (MCC) Optical imaging  
TIR Imaging spectrometer (TIS) Map surface composition and mineralogy  


Breathtaking pictures from Mars Colour Camera (MCC) of India’s Mars Orbiter Spacecraft (source:ISRO)

The government believes that the following benefits would accrue from the MOM.

Tyrrhenus Mons as seen by Mars Color Camera (MCC) (source:ISRO)

Apart from all these, there are many other ‘firsts’ by Mangalyaan like the following, as mentioned by Mr. Jitendra Singh, Minister of State (MoS) in the Prime Minister’s office in response to questions posed in the Loksabha.

The Van Allen Belt (Source: NASA)