Jashodaben wasn’t protesting against CAA & NRC in this photo

A photo is being widely shared on social media with a claim that it shows Modi’s wife Jashodaben participating in a protest against the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA), National Register of Citizen (NRC) and National Population Register (NPR).  Let’s analyze the claim made in the post.

The archived version of the post can be found here.

Claim: Image of Jashodaben protesting against CAA, NRC & NPR.

Fact: The image shows Jashodaben protesting at the Azad Maidan in Mumbai against the demolition of slums during monsoon. Hence, the claim is FALSE.   

When the image is subjected to reverse image search technique, an article published by the ‘Deccan Chronicle’ with the same image, in 2016 was obtained. In the article, it can be read that the image shows Jashodaben protesting at the Azad Maidan in Mumbai against the demolition of slums during monsoon. So, the photo is not related to any anti-CAA protest.

To summarize, in the photo, Jashodaben wasn’t protesting against CAA & NRC.

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