Italy has neither found the cure for COVID-19 nor published the findings mentioned in this viral post

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A post is being shared by multiple users on social media with a message that Italy has finally found the cure for COVID-19. Also, a video (archived) with the same message is being shared. There are multiple findings given in the post.  Let’s fact-check the claim made in the post.

The archived version of the post can be seen here.

Claim: The COVID-19 findings by Italy’s Ministry of Health including the cure for COVID-19.

Fact: The findings given in the post were not issued by Italy’s Ministry of Health. Most of the findings in the post are false. Also, some of them were debunked by the Ministry itself. Hence the claim made in the post is FALSE.

Found the cure?

On Italy’s ‘Ministero della Salute’ (Ministry of Health) website, it can be read that there is no specific treatment for the COVID-19 disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. It is mentioned that ‘treatment remains mainly based on a symptomatic approach, providing supportive therapies (e.g. oxygen therapy, fluid management) to infected people, which can nevertheless be highly effective. Several clinical trials are underway for the treatment of COVID-19 disease’. The same can be read on the WHO website.

Also, it is found that Italy’s Ministry of Health has itself debunked the claim that the cure for COVID-19 was found in Italy.

Virus or Bacteria?

On the ‘Ministero della Salute’ website, it can be seen that COVID-19 disease is caused by a virus named SARS-CoV-2. Also, they have debunked the claim that the disease is caused by a bacterium. So, they have not claimed anything against the existing view.

Did WHO ask countries not to conduct autopsies of patients dead with COVID-19?

No such guidelines were released by WHO. Also, in the Interim guidance document released by WHO with the title – ‘Infection Prevention and Control for the safe management of a dead body in the context of COVID-19’, it can be seen that a list of safety measures was suggested to be followed while conducting an autopsy.

Aspirin – the miracle cure?

In the post, it is given that the cure is with the ‘antibiotics, anti-inflammatories and anticoagulants’ (Aspirin). But on the ‘Ministero della Salute’ website, it can be read that ‘no drug has yet proven their effectiveness in treating COVID-19’. There is no specific drug for COVID-19.  Some of the drugs made available to COVID-19 patients can be seen on the Italian Medicines Agency – AIFA website. In a scientific brief released by WHO with the title – ‘The use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) in patients with COVID-19’ on 19 April 2020, it can be read that ‘at present there is no evidence of severe adverse events, acute health care utilization, long-term survival, or quality of life in patients with COVID-19, as a result of the use of NSAIDs’.

Also, the Press Information Bureau (India) has tweeted that the message claiming Aspirin as a cure for COVID-19 is fake.

Multiple research studies and news reports can be found regarding thrombosis in COVID-19 patients. Contrary to the claim made in the post, it can be read in various news articles that patients were kept on ventilators in Italy.

To sum it up, Italy has neither found the cure for COVID-19 nor published the findings given in the post.

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