Digitally created news clip shared as Sambit Patra stating ‘only gas prices have increased, not the cylinder price’

YouTube Poster

A post is being shared on social media claiming that BJP National spokesperson Sambit Patra made a statement that ‘only gas prices have increased, not the cylinder price.’ Let’s verify the claim made in the post through this article.

Claim: ‘Only gas prices have increased, not the cylinder price.’- Sambit Patra.

Fact: There is no evidence of Sambit Patra making this statement. The post has an edited image and it uses a famous breaking news template available on the internet. Hence the claim made in the post is FALSE.

We took the image from the post and did a reverse image search on Yandex. It led us to a press conference video of Sambit Patra on Facebook. A screenshot of the video at 5:04 matches the image used in the post.

We did not find any media reports on the statement made by Sambit Patra, since he is a spokesperson of the BJP, the media would have reported if he made such a statement.

Through our investigation, we found that a famous breaking news template is available for free on the internet. Anyone can use this template and edit images by adding text as per their wish.

We also found that the image used to create the post has also been used in a few articles published by ‘The Tribune’. These article can be seen here and here.

To sum it up, a digitally created news clip is hared as Sambit Patra stating ‘only gas prices have increased, not the cylinder price’.