COVID-19: Aspidosperma-Q is not a substitute for Medical Oxygen

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A video accompanying a post that describes the usage of homeopathic medicine, Aspidosperma-Q is being widely shared on social media. The person in the video claims that Aspidosperma-Q immediately increases the oxygen saturation levels in a COVID-19 patient. Let us fact-check the claim made in the post and can be used in case of patients whose saturation levels are falling.

The archived version of this post can be found here

Claim: Aspidosperma-Q immediately increases and maintains the oxygen saturation levels of a COVID-19 patient.

Fact: Aspidosperma-Q is a homeopathic medicine. The science conducted on the medical benefits of Aspidosperma-Q is limited. There are very few studies and most of them have not been followed upon. There is no evidence to show that Aspidosperma-Q can be used as a treatment for abnormal oxygen levels in a COVID-19 patient or that it can be used as a substitute for medical oxygen. Hence the claim made in the post is MISLEADING.

The Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy (CCRH), an autonomous organisation under the Ministry of AYUSH, had released guidelines for Homoeopathy practitioners for treating COVID-19 patients in Home isolation. As of today, Aspidosperma-Q is not part of any of the guidelines issued by the ministry.

A news article claims that Dr. Muktinder Singh, Chairman of the Indian Institute of Homoeopathic Physicians (IIHP) scientific committee had categorically told that they do not have clinically verified data with COVID-19 cases to vouch for the efficacy of Aspidosperma. According to the article, he warned individuals and homeopathic practitioners not to promote such medicines on social media.

Even Health Desk (an initiative by Meedan), in its explainer regarding the claims made around Aspidosperma-Q, has mentioned that there is no sufficient evidence to prove that it can instantly improve oxygen levels.

PIB Fact Check posted on Twitter regarding the misleading claims around the usage of Aspidosperma-Q, a homoeopathic medicine for immediately and permanently maintaining the oxygen saturation levels in a COVID-19 patient. They have also confirmed that Aspidosperma-Q cannot be used as a substitute for maintaining the oxygen levels in a COVID-19 patient. Ministry of Ayush has also tweeted the same.

To sum it up, Aspidosperma-Q is not a substitute for medical oxygen. Using Aspidosperma-Q for immediate and permanent increase in oxygen saturation levels in COVID-19 patients is not recommended.

This story has been published as part of the Ekta News Coalition, a collaboration of six fact-checking organisations in India.