An edited photo is falsely shared as the visual of a two-headed white snake

A photo is being shared widely on social media with a claim that it shows a two-headed white snake. Let’s fact-check the claim made in the post.

Claim: Photo of a two-headed white snake.

Fact: It is an edited one. In the original photo, the snake has only one head. Hence the claim made in the post is FALSE.

When the photo was run through Google Reverse Image Search, a similar photo was found to be uploaded on multiple websites. The official Twitter account of ‘Animal Planet India’ tweeted the original version of the photo in 2016. In the original version, it can be seen that the snake has only one head. The original head has been copied and shown as a second head. So, the posted photo is an edited one.

However, the real visuals of a two-headed snake can be seen here.

Previously, FACTLY has also debunked another post where it was claimed that the photo shows a four-headed snake. The fact-check article can be found here.

To sum it up, an edited photo is falsely shared as the visual of a two-headed white snake.