A tweet referring to India as a country of fools is falsely attributed to Priyanka Gandhi Vadra

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A photo is being shared on social media with a claim that it shows a tweet purportedly made by Priyanka Gandhi Vadra. In the tweet, it is written – ‘India is a country of fools where the government does not provide drinking water to people but spends crores of rupees on royal baths’ (English translation). Let’s fact-check the claim made in the post.

The archived version of the post can be found here.

Claim: Priyanka Gandhi Vadra’s tweet referring to India as a country of fools and criticising the government for spending money on ritual baths.

Fact: The mentioned tweet was not made by Priyanka Gandhi Vadra. The official verified Twitter handle of Priyanka Gandhi Vadra is ‘@priyankagandhi’, not ‘@PriyankagaINC’. Hence the claim made in the post is FALSE.

When we looked for the Twitter profile (@PriyankagaINC) mentioned in the photo, it was found that the account does not exist. It can be seen that the official verified Twitter handle of Priyanka Gandhi Vadra is ‘@priyankagandhi’, not ‘@PriyankagaINC’.

Also, the same tweet was found to be in circulation before Priyanka Gandhi Vadra has joined Twitter. While Priyanka Gandhi Vadra has joined Twitter on 10 February 2019, the same fake tweet was found to be posted on social media on 08 February 2019. If the tweet was really made by Priyanka Gandhi Vadra, most of the reputed news agencies would have published about it. But no news articles were found regarding the tweet.

The posted photo of Priyanka Gandhi Vadra in the water was taken in 2021, when she took a ritual dip at Sangam, in Uttar Pradesh.

To sum it up, a tweet referring to India as a country of fools is falsely attributed to Priyanka Gandhi Vadra.